Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I guess that's why they call it the blues....

Today I'm feeling down, and I'm not exactly sure why. I recently moved from San Diego to the Pacific Northwest, which was a good move for me and my boys and lots of good things are on the horizon for us, but as I was unpacking the last of my stuff I realized how much I miss. Even now, I can't stop the tears as I long for my girls, the beach and the memories I spent 15 yrs making. So I made myself some tea ( in my newly unpacked favorite mug) and sat down here, to spend a few minutes reminiscing. And as I think about the things that have come and gone from my life, I am struck with this thought, the only thing guaranteed in this life is that it will change. What you see before you today, will not be there next year so don't waste a second planning what your future holds just stop today and look around and take a deep breath and a picture in your mind.......so you can always remember.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Old friends, lost........

So I found an old friend on Facebook today and sent her a message. I was wary to do so, our friendship ended about 8 yrs. ago, not on bad terms, but not on good either. We both kind of just decided that maybe our friendship wasn't working. We grew up together and and we were pregnant with our sons at the same time. I always pictured our kids would grow up together, but all nostalgia aside, it was difficult to be her friend. I am a little nervous that she will reject me, even though I guess that would reaffirm my decision to end our friendship. And at the same time, I am not even sure I would want to be her friend, however now that we live in seperate states, I don't see it being to much of an issue as a few messages on Facebook can't hurt. Even now, I check my Facebook every hour or so to see if she has responded.

Friday, March 27, 2009


I love this picture! I am SO ready for spring. Not that I didn't enjoy winter: the snow, board games, winter hikes, good times with friends and coffee with Bailey's. I am just ready for the changes that Spring brings. Spiritually I see Spring as a new beginning for myself. Time to reevaluate where I'm at, and where I'm going and if I even know. Not to mention, Spring is a precursor to Summer, which I don't want to say is my favorite season, it's just I am looking forward to warm sun! I will try to remember all the joy that Spring brings and not be in a hurry. Poor Spring, I bet it so often underappreciated as we all look forward to Summer. Mental note: stay present during Spring. Enjoy, breathe it in.